Natural Allergy Relief

Seasonal Allergy symptoms will not kill you but they could have you feeling like one of Snow White’s seven little helpers: Drowsy, Drippy, Dopey, Sneezy, Sleepy, Grumpy, and Wheezy (with apologies to the “real” dwarfs). Sometimes, if the allergy symptoms themselves don’t get you, the side effects of allergy medicines will. My Natural Allergy Relief program is a two-pronged approach to reducing symptoms called:

“Block & Rinse”

First, “Block” the histamine response to allergens with natural anti-histamines. Immune cells that line the eyes, nose and throat release histamine when stimulated by dust, pollen, molds and other irritants. Histamine then acts a chemical smoke signal, bringing swelling and other immune cells to your swollen, irritated membranes. Then, “Rinse” the nasal passages clear of allergens and irritants that cause allergy symptoms. Even with anti-histamines on board and working, letting molecule debris sit on the nasal membranes is just asking for trouble. For more information, ask for the “Natural Allergy Relief” Brochure.


* Saline Rinse (“Natural Allergy Relief” Brochure)