Joint and Bone Health

Natural arthritis therapy
Sometimes it seems that nothing can make you feel your age (or older) than aching, stiff, and swollen joints. Treating arthritis symptoms is important to feeling your best and participating fully in life.

As a physician practicing Integrative Medicine, I believe in using therapies that work with the fewest side effects, and I regularly use Western, Eastern, and Nutritional medicine when treating joint pain and arthritis.

Steps to Healthier Joints
My Natural Arthritis Treatment strategy involves three steps:

  1. Support joint structures – bone and cartilage;
  2. Reduce inflammation;
  3. Improve mobility.

The latter of these strategies, improving mobility, utilizes massage, physical therapy, aquatic therapy, and chiropractic care to help patients keep active with less pain. Exercise is sometimes the last thing on your mind when your joints ache, but it is an important part of joint health. Remember: Use it or lose it.

For more information, ask for the “Natural Arthritis Therapy” Brochure.